merge pdf icon Merge PDF

Merge 2 or more PDF files into a single PDF file

Or drop files here

How to merge PDF online?

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Drag and drop or select files to upload from your device.

Upload files and click the "Merge" button to start.

Once merged, download the merged PDF files.

Your Questions Are All Covered

How can I attach multiple PDFs together?

With any file merging tool, you’ll only be able to merge like files. So, PDFs merge with PDFs. If you need to add a Word Doc or an Excel sheet to your merged file, you’ll need to convert those to a PDF. Head to the home page to convert those to PDFs.

Can I use PDFsail to merge PDF on Mac?

You can use PDFsail web-based tools across platforms anywhere and anytime, including on Mac, Windows, or Linux.

Will the quality of my PDF files be affected after merging them?

Our merging tool ensures that the quality of your documents remains intact after merging them together.